Stranger Things Season 1

Stranger Things is a sci-fi/horror/drama created by the Duffer Brothers. It tells the story of the disappearance of Will Byers from the town of Hawkins, and the subsequent investigation to find him as well as the various supernatural events that start to take place after his disappearance. The show was one of Netflix's biggest success of 2016, earning critical acclaim from TV critics and fans alike. It won numerous awards across the major TV award bodies and became a huge cultural sensation, spawning a huge and dedicated fanbase. So naturally I jumped aboard the hype train around May this year to see for myself what's the fuss about the show. After finishing it, I can only say that I regretted not picking up on the show earlier, as it is one of the most exhilarating shows I have seen in quite some time.
The Duffer Brothers perfectly captured the 80s setting, and despite the clear inspiration it took from the various Spielberg and Carpenter sci-fi works of the 80s, I felt the Brothers were still able to cleverly distinguish their own work and not make it seem like they were just aping the styles of Spielberg etc. The soundtrack was kick-ass as well and one of my favourite aspects of the show. But enough about the technical aspects, let's get to the cast review and ranking. Be warned, there will be SPOILERS for the show.
The Duffer Brothers perfectly captured the 80s setting, and despite the clear inspiration it took from the various Spielberg and Carpenter sci-fi works of the 80s, I felt the Brothers were still able to cleverly distinguish their own work and not make it seem like they were just aping the styles of Spielberg etc. The soundtrack was kick-ass as well and one of my favourite aspects of the show. But enough about the technical aspects, let's get to the cast review and ranking. Be warned, there will be SPOILERS for the show.
Cast rankings
Stranger Things has one of the best casts of 2016, with experienced actors like Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Matthew Modine mixed in with newcomers like Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard and the various young actors. Despite the majority of the cast being relatively young and inexperienced actors, the acting is almost uniformly excellent and is one of the biggest strengths of the show.
14. Ross Partridge as Lonnie Byers
Partridge kinda gets short-changed as the role of Lonnie is one of the least-interestingly written characters on the show. Lonnie is basically a selfish asshole, and Partridge does a good job of playing up the selfishness and jerkiness of Lonnie. I do like his scenes with Ryder too as he tricks the audience as well as Joyce into thinking he is a good man after all. In the end though, he doesn't really get to do anything beyond the role of the bad father.
13. Cara Buono as Karen Wheeler
Here is another performer who is strapped with a limited role. The character of Karen honestly does not get much to do until about the last few episodes, She is mainly there to provide support to her kids, Mike and Nancy, and to Buono's credit, she does a good job of portraying both the concern and the maternal warmth and care she has for her children. I particularly like her scenes of trying to comfort Natalia Dyer's Nancy.
12. Noah Schnapp as Will Byers
Out of the main child actors, Schnapp definitely gets the least to do considering his character Will disappears after the first episode, kicking the plot into motion. However, I still thought he was excellent in the first episode, giving a great depiction of Will's fear of the "Demogorgon" in the outstanding opening sequence. In his subsequent limited screentime in the next episodes, Schnapp continues to be good at portraying the physical and emotional toll his time in the "Upside Down" takes on him, while also nailing his scenes in the flashbacks with Winona Ryder. So far from what I have heard about season 2, it seems like Schnapp is one of the season's MVPs.
11. Shannon Purser as Barb/Chris Sullivan as Benny
What's going on here? Why is there a tie? Well, the reason for me ranking both these characters together is because both are minor characters that managed to make quite the impression on me before their untimely exits. Barb is a character who has spawned a huge fanbase upon the show's release, and part of that is due to many of the audience connecting with the character. Purser does a nice job of being the supportive best friend to Nancy, and she nails her big scene in episode 3, perfectly portraying the fear and desperation in Barb when confronted with something frightening. Sullivan, who appears in this year's Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as the moronic Taserface, only appears in the first episode. To his credit, I had a visible reaction when his character was unfortunately killed off. Sullivan did such a great job at portraying Benny as just a decent, hardworking man who unfortunately gets in way over his head that I still have a hard time believing Benny and Taserface are played by the same actor.
10. Matthew Modine as Dr Brenner
Matthew Modine plays the primary human antagonist of the series, Dr Brenner. Dr Brenner is a man of few words and emotions, and his primary purpose seems to be hunting Eleven down. As a result, Modine doesn't really get many scenes for him to flex his acting chops as compared to some of the other cast members. Still, he made for a pretty effective villain and he does do well when given more to do, such as in the flashback scenes with Eleven.
9. Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler
Here is where it starts to get harder to rank the performances, as the top 9 all range from very good to excellent. Dyer plays the role of Nancy, who is the sister of Mike, and the role initially seems to be that of the "good girl" archetype. Dyer smartly plays it as such in the first few episodes and does a very good job of portraying both her decency and moments of selfishness. However, the best parts of her performance are in the later episodes, whether it is in her scenes of more directly portraying the fear of facing the "Demogorgon", or in her scenes with Charlie Heaton. Her chemistry with Heaton makes for an endearing pairing, and I love how she portrays Nancy as slowly coming into her own as the situation around her becomes more and more dire.
8. Joe Keery as Steve
The character of Steve might actually be one of the best-written of the show. Like Dyer's Nancy, Steve gives off an immediate first impression, and it is that of the "jerk". Keery is appropriately obnoxious as Steve in the first episodes, and I actually felt he did a very good job of playing a jerk character without ever coming off as grating. Most importantly, he never makes Steve's worst actions come off as truly evil or malicious, nicely setting up for when Steve gets his redemption arc in the last few episodes. Keery is outstanding in the way he shows Steve reflecting and changing for the better after going through some experiences. This makes the moment when he works with Nancy and Jonathan all the more rewarding and earned, and nicely allows you to understand why Nancy would get back with him at the end.
7. Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers
Winona Ryder, who has been on sort of an acting hiatus, comes back with the juicy role of Joyce Byers, the mother of the missing Will. Now it is extremely interesting to examine Ryder's performance, as it has been a point of contention of the series. She has received a lot of acclaim and award nominations for her performance, yet I have read a number of reviews that felt her performance was overcooked. In my opinion though, I kinda agree with both parties.
The role of Joyce is kinda tricky, as she has to be hysterical for quite a number of scenes, which makes sense given the situation she is in. This can lead to some bad over-acting, but I thought Ryder actually did pretty well in most of her "loud" scenes. Yes, there were definitely moments where she becomes a little too obvious in her "acting", but I thought most of her breakdown scenes performed very well, and there was one standout moment when Joyce confronts Lonnie and finally throws him out of the house. I thought Ryder was pitch-perfect in that scene and actually made it one of the most powerful scenes of the series.
Her quieter scenes, such as with Will in the flashbacks, or when she is trying to communicate with Will using Christmas lights, are actually some of my favourite of her performance. In these moments, I thought Ryder did really well in showing both a mother's love and worry for her child and there is a reason why the Christmas light sequence has become an iconic part of the series.
6, 5, 4. Caleb McLaughlin (centre), Gaten Matarazzo (left) and Finn Wolfhard (right) as Lucas, Dustin and Mike
The three main child characters we follow through most of the series, the roles of Lucas, Mike and Dustin are incredibly important. The kids need to be endearing enough for us to be invested in and follow through their journey, while also hitting every emotional beat of their respective arcs. Most importantly, they need to come off as realistic kids, which is a lot harder than it looks. Well, thankfully for the show, all three child actors are up to the task. McLaughlin and Matarazzo get lesser to do as they are supporting characters, yet they still nail their respective personalities perfectly. Individually, I feel McLaughlin does struggle slightly with some line readings, particularly in the scenes of conflict with Mike and Eleven. As for Matarazzo, he gets extra credit for never making his character's overly-friendly nature come off as cloying, and he gets extra points for nailing some of the series' funniest moments.
Wolfhard meanwhile has to play Mike, who is one of the main characters of the series. Like his fellow co-stars, Wolfhard is great at just playing an average kid. His chemistry with both of them is great and their camaradarie together create some of the best moments of the series. Past the group dynamic though, his chemistry with Millie Bobby Brown's Eleven is excellent as well. Their interactions together, as well as their subsequent budding romance, are very endearing to watch. Beyond all that, Wolfhard is just great in portraying the general meekness and goodness of Mike, making him an easy hero to root for. Despite the extra material and challenge, Wolfhard does not falter and with this and his equally impressive performance in IT, he is fast becoming one of Hollywood's rising young stars.
3. Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers
Heaton plays Jonathan, the older brother of the missing Will. Jonathan is yet another character that at first glance, seems to fit right in with one of the archetypes of 80s teen movies, that being the "outsider". Jonathan is an extremely challenging character to get right, what with his general awkwardness around the other characters and having to take care of both his brother and mother. Thankfully, Heaton is more than up to the task. In his family scenes, he never overplays Jonathan's sense of independence and responsibility, allowing the moments of him taking care of his mother seem really sweet. However, he is outstanding in showing the way Jonathan is still a teenager at the end of the day, and is great at showing the emotional wear that his missing brother is taking on him.
With Natalia Dyer's Nancy though, he creates a rather fascinating dynamic. He makes Jonathan the likable lone wolf type, allowing the audience to root for his pairing with Nancy. However, he does not shy away from some of the less pleasant aspects of his character, such as the fact that his character secretly took photos of Nancy. He is great at making sense of his character's awkwardness around others, with a particular highlight being the scene where he and Nancy break down argue in the forest while hunting for the "Demogorgon". In the end though, Heaton always highlights the decency and courage of Jonathan above his other qualities, making him a likable hero and allowing the ending to be a very bittersweet moment.
And here it is, my MVPs of the series...
I can't give enough praise to David Harbour (left) as Chief Hopper and Millie Bobby Brown (right) as the mysterious girl Eleven, two of the major characters.
14. Ross Partridge as Lonnie Byers
Partridge kinda gets short-changed as the role of Lonnie is one of the least-interestingly written characters on the show. Lonnie is basically a selfish asshole, and Partridge does a good job of playing up the selfishness and jerkiness of Lonnie. I do like his scenes with Ryder too as he tricks the audience as well as Joyce into thinking he is a good man after all. In the end though, he doesn't really get to do anything beyond the role of the bad father.
13. Cara Buono as Karen Wheeler
Here is another performer who is strapped with a limited role. The character of Karen honestly does not get much to do until about the last few episodes, She is mainly there to provide support to her kids, Mike and Nancy, and to Buono's credit, she does a good job of portraying both the concern and the maternal warmth and care she has for her children. I particularly like her scenes of trying to comfort Natalia Dyer's Nancy.
12. Noah Schnapp as Will Byers
Out of the main child actors, Schnapp definitely gets the least to do considering his character Will disappears after the first episode, kicking the plot into motion. However, I still thought he was excellent in the first episode, giving a great depiction of Will's fear of the "Demogorgon" in the outstanding opening sequence. In his subsequent limited screentime in the next episodes, Schnapp continues to be good at portraying the physical and emotional toll his time in the "Upside Down" takes on him, while also nailing his scenes in the flashbacks with Winona Ryder. So far from what I have heard about season 2, it seems like Schnapp is one of the season's MVPs.
11. Shannon Purser as Barb/Chris Sullivan as Benny
What's going on here? Why is there a tie? Well, the reason for me ranking both these characters together is because both are minor characters that managed to make quite the impression on me before their untimely exits. Barb is a character who has spawned a huge fanbase upon the show's release, and part of that is due to many of the audience connecting with the character. Purser does a nice job of being the supportive best friend to Nancy, and she nails her big scene in episode 3, perfectly portraying the fear and desperation in Barb when confronted with something frightening. Sullivan, who appears in this year's Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as the moronic Taserface, only appears in the first episode. To his credit, I had a visible reaction when his character was unfortunately killed off. Sullivan did such a great job at portraying Benny as just a decent, hardworking man who unfortunately gets in way over his head that I still have a hard time believing Benny and Taserface are played by the same actor.

Matthew Modine plays the primary human antagonist of the series, Dr Brenner. Dr Brenner is a man of few words and emotions, and his primary purpose seems to be hunting Eleven down. As a result, Modine doesn't really get many scenes for him to flex his acting chops as compared to some of the other cast members. Still, he made for a pretty effective villain and he does do well when given more to do, such as in the flashback scenes with Eleven.
9. Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler

Here is where it starts to get harder to rank the performances, as the top 9 all range from very good to excellent. Dyer plays the role of Nancy, who is the sister of Mike, and the role initially seems to be that of the "good girl" archetype. Dyer smartly plays it as such in the first few episodes and does a very good job of portraying both her decency and moments of selfishness. However, the best parts of her performance are in the later episodes, whether it is in her scenes of more directly portraying the fear of facing the "Demogorgon", or in her scenes with Charlie Heaton. Her chemistry with Heaton makes for an endearing pairing, and I love how she portrays Nancy as slowly coming into her own as the situation around her becomes more and more dire.
8. Joe Keery as Steve

The character of Steve might actually be one of the best-written of the show. Like Dyer's Nancy, Steve gives off an immediate first impression, and it is that of the "jerk". Keery is appropriately obnoxious as Steve in the first episodes, and I actually felt he did a very good job of playing a jerk character without ever coming off as grating. Most importantly, he never makes Steve's worst actions come off as truly evil or malicious, nicely setting up for when Steve gets his redemption arc in the last few episodes. Keery is outstanding in the way he shows Steve reflecting and changing for the better after going through some experiences. This makes the moment when he works with Nancy and Jonathan all the more rewarding and earned, and nicely allows you to understand why Nancy would get back with him at the end.
7. Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers

Winona Ryder, who has been on sort of an acting hiatus, comes back with the juicy role of Joyce Byers, the mother of the missing Will. Now it is extremely interesting to examine Ryder's performance, as it has been a point of contention of the series. She has received a lot of acclaim and award nominations for her performance, yet I have read a number of reviews that felt her performance was overcooked. In my opinion though, I kinda agree with both parties.
The role of Joyce is kinda tricky, as she has to be hysterical for quite a number of scenes, which makes sense given the situation she is in. This can lead to some bad over-acting, but I thought Ryder actually did pretty well in most of her "loud" scenes. Yes, there were definitely moments where she becomes a little too obvious in her "acting", but I thought most of her breakdown scenes performed very well, and there was one standout moment when Joyce confronts Lonnie and finally throws him out of the house. I thought Ryder was pitch-perfect in that scene and actually made it one of the most powerful scenes of the series.
Her quieter scenes, such as with Will in the flashbacks, or when she is trying to communicate with Will using Christmas lights, are actually some of my favourite of her performance. In these moments, I thought Ryder did really well in showing both a mother's love and worry for her child and there is a reason why the Christmas light sequence has become an iconic part of the series.
6, 5, 4. Caleb McLaughlin (centre), Gaten Matarazzo (left) and Finn Wolfhard (right) as Lucas, Dustin and Mike

The three main child characters we follow through most of the series, the roles of Lucas, Mike and Dustin are incredibly important. The kids need to be endearing enough for us to be invested in and follow through their journey, while also hitting every emotional beat of their respective arcs. Most importantly, they need to come off as realistic kids, which is a lot harder than it looks. Well, thankfully for the show, all three child actors are up to the task. McLaughlin and Matarazzo get lesser to do as they are supporting characters, yet they still nail their respective personalities perfectly. Individually, I feel McLaughlin does struggle slightly with some line readings, particularly in the scenes of conflict with Mike and Eleven. As for Matarazzo, he gets extra credit for never making his character's overly-friendly nature come off as cloying, and he gets extra points for nailing some of the series' funniest moments.
Wolfhard meanwhile has to play Mike, who is one of the main characters of the series. Like his fellow co-stars, Wolfhard is great at just playing an average kid. His chemistry with both of them is great and their camaradarie together create some of the best moments of the series. Past the group dynamic though, his chemistry with Millie Bobby Brown's Eleven is excellent as well. Their interactions together, as well as their subsequent budding romance, are very endearing to watch. Beyond all that, Wolfhard is just great in portraying the general meekness and goodness of Mike, making him an easy hero to root for. Despite the extra material and challenge, Wolfhard does not falter and with this and his equally impressive performance in IT, he is fast becoming one of Hollywood's rising young stars.
3. Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers

Heaton plays Jonathan, the older brother of the missing Will. Jonathan is yet another character that at first glance, seems to fit right in with one of the archetypes of 80s teen movies, that being the "outsider". Jonathan is an extremely challenging character to get right, what with his general awkwardness around the other characters and having to take care of both his brother and mother. Thankfully, Heaton is more than up to the task. In his family scenes, he never overplays Jonathan's sense of independence and responsibility, allowing the moments of him taking care of his mother seem really sweet. However, he is outstanding in showing the way Jonathan is still a teenager at the end of the day, and is great at showing the emotional wear that his missing brother is taking on him.
With Natalia Dyer's Nancy though, he creates a rather fascinating dynamic. He makes Jonathan the likable lone wolf type, allowing the audience to root for his pairing with Nancy. However, he does not shy away from some of the less pleasant aspects of his character, such as the fact that his character secretly took photos of Nancy. He is great at making sense of his character's awkwardness around others, with a particular highlight being the scene where he and Nancy break down argue in the forest while hunting for the "Demogorgon". In the end though, Heaton always highlights the decency and courage of Jonathan above his other qualities, making him a likable hero and allowing the ending to be a very bittersweet moment.
And here it is, my MVPs of the series...
I can't give enough praise to David Harbour (left) as Chief Hopper and Millie Bobby Brown (right) as the mysterious girl Eleven, two of the major characters.
2. David Harbour as Chief Hopper
I have always liked David Harbour in the few movies I have seen him in, like The Equalizer and Black Mass. I thought he was one of those talented character actors who could never seem to get out of being cast in bit-parts in big movies, but here he finally gets the role that he deserves. As the flawed yet determined Chief Hopper, he really gets to shine and flex his acting chops.
From the first moment he steps on screen in Ep.1, he perfectly captures the nuances of the character. He is hilarious at first in playing the typical gruff and "hick sheriff", with just a hint of his true investigative abilities when he discovers something strange in Will's shack. As the series progresses though, Harbour marvelously transforms Hopper into a determined and resourceful protagonist that we are all too happy to root for. He is outstanding in showing the growing investment he has in finding Will and really serves as a comforting factor amidst the growing horrors in Hawkins. However, he is also excellent in showing how he internalizes his own growing unease at the spiralling situation around him.
As good as he is in just being a kick-ass protagonist, his performance really kicks it into high-gear in the last episode. After finally finding Will and rescuing him, we are treated to an extended flashback sequence about Hopper's tragic past. Here, Harbour really excels and makes sense of the tragic past of Hopper. He was incredibly moving in portraying Hopper's own grief and loss of his daughter and really earns the emotional climax of Hopper's character arc. Safe to say, that Emmy nomination was extremely deserving.
I have always liked David Harbour in the few movies I have seen him in, like The Equalizer and Black Mass. I thought he was one of those talented character actors who could never seem to get out of being cast in bit-parts in big movies, but here he finally gets the role that he deserves. As the flawed yet determined Chief Hopper, he really gets to shine and flex his acting chops.
From the first moment he steps on screen in Ep.1, he perfectly captures the nuances of the character. He is hilarious at first in playing the typical gruff and "hick sheriff", with just a hint of his true investigative abilities when he discovers something strange in Will's shack. As the series progresses though, Harbour marvelously transforms Hopper into a determined and resourceful protagonist that we are all too happy to root for. He is outstanding in showing the growing investment he has in finding Will and really serves as a comforting factor amidst the growing horrors in Hawkins. However, he is also excellent in showing how he internalizes his own growing unease at the spiralling situation around him.
As good as he is in just being a kick-ass protagonist, his performance really kicks it into high-gear in the last episode. After finally finding Will and rescuing him, we are treated to an extended flashback sequence about Hopper's tragic past. Here, Harbour really excels and makes sense of the tragic past of Hopper. He was incredibly moving in portraying Hopper's own grief and loss of his daughter and really earns the emotional climax of Hopper's character arc. Safe to say, that Emmy nomination was extremely deserving.
1. Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven
Millie Bobby Brown gets what is probably the most challenging role of the series. Eleven is an enigma, with a mysterious past and seemingly supernatural abilities. Past that , she barely has any lines in majority of the episodes. Hence, it is a testament to Brown's abilities that Eleven ends up being one of the most compelling characters of the series.
First off, as mentioned in Wolfhard's review, Brown and her fellow child co-stars have excellent chemistry together. Their scenes alone would have made a worthy spin-off consisting of Eleven using her powers on punishing bullies. Brown is able to convey the disconnect of Eleven in the group dynamic and makes for some pretty hilarious moments in her interactions with the boys. However, when she has to use her powers, she actually makes for a very convincing badass, particularly in the scenes when she punishes the bullies. Her budding romance with Wolfhard is also made extremely endearing and sweet to watch.
However, the best part of her performance is in portraying the emotional vulnerability of Eleven beneath her quiet and stoic exterior. In any of her flashback scenes with Matthew Modine, she is outstanding in portraying just a scared little girl who is being manipulated into using her powers. She is great in selling both Eleven's attempts at trying to please Dr Brenner and also her uneasiness at being told to use her powers. In the final episodes though, Brown is really astonishingly good at showing the physical and emotional toll her powers take on her. Any instance where she has to lash out and use her powers are some of the highlights of the series. All of these build up to her final scene where she "sacrifices" herself and her farewell to Mike is made truly moving thanks to her performance.
Well, this concludes my first post. I am currently in the process of watching Stranger Things season 2, so be prepared for the cast ranking and review of season 2 to be posted within one week's time. As for upcoming show reviews, well look forward to Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Peaky Blinders, Westworld and many more awesome shows
Millie Bobby Brown gets what is probably the most challenging role of the series. Eleven is an enigma, with a mysterious past and seemingly supernatural abilities. Past that , she barely has any lines in majority of the episodes. Hence, it is a testament to Brown's abilities that Eleven ends up being one of the most compelling characters of the series.
First off, as mentioned in Wolfhard's review, Brown and her fellow child co-stars have excellent chemistry together. Their scenes alone would have made a worthy spin-off consisting of Eleven using her powers on punishing bullies. Brown is able to convey the disconnect of Eleven in the group dynamic and makes for some pretty hilarious moments in her interactions with the boys. However, when she has to use her powers, she actually makes for a very convincing badass, particularly in the scenes when she punishes the bullies. Her budding romance with Wolfhard is also made extremely endearing and sweet to watch.
However, the best part of her performance is in portraying the emotional vulnerability of Eleven beneath her quiet and stoic exterior. In any of her flashback scenes with Matthew Modine, she is outstanding in portraying just a scared little girl who is being manipulated into using her powers. She is great in selling both Eleven's attempts at trying to please Dr Brenner and also her uneasiness at being told to use her powers. In the final episodes though, Brown is really astonishingly good at showing the physical and emotional toll her powers take on her. Any instance where she has to lash out and use her powers are some of the highlights of the series. All of these build up to her final scene where she "sacrifices" herself and her farewell to Mike is made truly moving thanks to her performance.
Well, this concludes my first post. I am currently in the process of watching Stranger Things season 2, so be prepared for the cast ranking and review of season 2 to be posted within one week's time. As for upcoming show reviews, well look forward to Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Peaky Blinders, Westworld and many more awesome shows
Great post! My own ranking would be:
ReplyDelete1. Millie Bobby Brown
2. David Harbour
3. Charlie Heaton
4. Gaten Materazzo
5. Winona Ryder
6. Joe Keery
8. Finn Wolfhard
9. Caleb McLaughlin
10. Natalie Dyer
11. Chris Sullivan
12. Noah Schnapp
13. Shannon Purser (she’s fine, but her Emmy nomination is a bit too much)
14. Matthew Modine
15. Cara Buono
16. Ross Partridge
Great job on the post! My own ranking would be:
ReplyDelete1. Millie Bobby Brown
2. David Harbour
3. Gaten Materazzo
4. Winona Ryder
5. Charlie Heaton
6. Finn Wolfhard
7. Joe Keery
8. Natalia Dyer
9. Caleb McLaughlin
10. Noah Schnapp
11. Chris Sullivan
12. Shannon Purser
Also, really hope you'll enjoy Season 2. Quite a few of the original cast members, who were already terrific, improve even more, especially Joe Keery, Noah Schnapp and Caleb McLaughlin.
Great job on the post! My own ranking would be:
ReplyDelete1. Millie Bobby Brown
2. David Harbour
3. Gaten Materazzo
4. Winona Ryder
5. Charlie Heaton
6. Finn Wolfhard
7. Joe Keery
8. Natalia Dyer
9. Caleb McLaughlin
10. Noah Schnapp
11. Chris Sullivan
12. Shannon Purser
Also, really hope you'll enjoy Season 2. Quite a few of the original cast members, who were already terrific, improve even more, especially Joe Keery, Noah Schnapp and Caleb McLaughlin.