Blog Update

Well I know this blog has been inactive for the past two months. Honestly, when I started this blog, it was really because I had an over-abundance of time on my hands, having left my old job, and I kinda just wanted to find something to do and occupy my mind. Good news is, I am now employed again (have been for the past month or so) and the odd working hours meant that I couldn't keep up my old schedule of constantly binging TV shows. Sincerest apologies to those who have been waiting for me to complete my Game of Thrones cast reviews, but to be perfectly honest, the lack of time and my new job meant I kinda lost the momentum to finish my re-watch of all 7 seasons.

This doesn't mean the blog is dead though, as I will still be posting stuff related to both movies and TV shows, just at an irregular rate. And since the Oscar nominations came out a few days back, I have been playing catch-up on many of the Oscar-nominated films. So, my next few posts will probably be Oscar-related stuff. First up will be my thoughts on some of the Oscar snubs this year.


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